If you are a tenured (or emeritus) professor at an American school, you can add your name at that page. Alternatively, send an email containing your name, title, school, email address, and url confirming your title to Statement2024@proton.me.
Please promote the Statement even if you will not be adding your name as a signer.
Notices of the Professors’ Statement initiative:
PowerLine — Professor Steven Hayward
Supplemental resources:
Klein-Yost 7000-word article about Republicans > Democrats at Fusion
Klein-Yost reply to Peter Suderman, Michael Munger, and Geoff Kabaservice
Klein: One Cheer for Populism
Klein and Todd Zywicki video on Republicans > Democrats
Klein interviewed by Arnold Kling on Republicans > Democrats:
Klein on how the Libertarian Party reduces liberty:
Klein and Yost: Empirical Proof That the Uniparty Does Not Exist
Again, the Professors’ Statement is here.